Frequently Asked Questions About Title Insurance

Discover the importance of title insurance and our thorough title search process.

Questions we get asked all the time

With our expertise in title agency services, we cater to various industries.

Title refers to the legal ownership of a property, encompassing all rights, interests, and claims associated with it. It impacts your purchase by establishing your ownership rights and providing assurance that the property can be transferred to you without any legal encumbrances or disputes. Clear title ensures that you have the legal right to use, sell, or mortgage the property, while issues with the title can lead to complications or challenges in your ownership. Therefore, understanding the title status and ensuring its validity is crucial when purchasing real estate.

Although it is a rare occurrence after the rigorous title searches we perform, an item may surface that may result in a claim against your property. If that should happen, simply notify us in writing and we will negotiate with the other party, defend you in court, if necessary, satisfy any covered claim and pay legal costs incurred defending the title.

When a property is purchased, the buyer receives title to it. It is imperative that the title the buyer receives is clear and that no one else has rights or claims to that property.
Title insurance protects the buyer and/or the lending institution against loss if that title is defective for some reason.

It’s the property itself, not the structure on it, that is insured. Many buyers who are building a new home are surprised to learn that they also benefit from title insurance.

In our relentless efforts to uncover any matters from the past so that they will not resurface in the future, we focus on four main areas of concern. Should any problems arise relating to any of these matters after we write the policy, we insure you against possible claims or losses.
Liens — Anything from unpaid taxes to parking tickets may result in a judgment, or “lien,” against a property. Many property owners may not be aware that liens exist— sometimes long after the resolution of the initial issue.
Errors — Accidents happen, whether it’s a simple typographical error, a misfiling of a document or an incorrect legal description. Any mistake made during the course of previous ownerships and title transfers can be compounded in the future if it is not discovered and addressed during a title search.
Claims — Where there’s a will, there’s a way for any number of actions to be taken that affect the title to a property. Was an heir overlooked? Was a will drawn when the mental competence of a grantor of deed was in question? Unanswered questions like these can result in claims made against the property by former owners, ex-spouses, the government and more.
Fraud — Were signatures signed using false powers of attorney? Were some deeds transferred by a seller who didn’t actually own the property? Although these are rare, they do occur.

What Sets Us Apart

Thorough examination of property titles

At Title Connect we conduct a comprehensive examination of property titles by meticulously reviewing public records, including deeds, mortgages, judgments, liens, and easements. This thorough process aims to verify the chain of ownership and identify any existing encumbrances or defects that could affect the property’s marketability or legal standing. By scrutinizing these documents, we can ensure that buyers and lenders receive accurate and reliable information about the property’s title status, reducing the risk of potential disputes or challenges in the future.

Protection against unforeseen title issues

Our policies provide protection against unforeseen title issues to buyers and lenders. These policies protect against financial loss resulting from defects in the title that were not discovered during the title search process, such as undisclosed liens, forgery, or errors in public records. By obtaining title insurance, parties involved in real estate transactions can have peace of mind knowing they are safeguarded against potential legal challenges to their ownership rights.

Uncover potential title problems

We specialize in uncovering potential title problems by meticulously examining historical records and legal documents related to the property. Through this process, we identify any issues that may cloud the title, such as outstanding liens, unpaid taxes, undisclosed heirs, or errors in previous transactions. By uncovering these potential problems early on, we help ensure that buyers and lenders have a clear understanding of any risks associated with the property’s title, allowing them to address these issues before completing the transaction.

Ensuring a valid ownership right to the property

Through the meticulous research of public records, deeds, and legal documents, we verify the chain of ownership and confirm that the seller has the legal authority to transfer ownership to the buyer. By providing this assurance, we help mitigate the risk of disputes over ownership rights and facilitate smooth and secure real estate transactions.

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